The Fort Mill School District will need six new schools over the decade, according to an assessment released Tuesday.
This assessment shows a need for three new elementary schools, two new middle schools and additional high school educational space over the next ten years.
Jim Britton from the Cummings Group spoke to trustees on Tuesday night, providing the board with an overview of the district’s Ten Year Facility Needs. The long term facilities needs assessment studies student enrollment and growth trends to determine the need for future school buildings and facilities. (To see entire meeting, click here.)
School officials say the district’s growth has continued to track in line with previous assessments and is projected to continue to grow at a steady pace in the new assessment. Student enrollment projections are based on work done by consultant Dr. Dale Holden and Catawba Regional Council of Governments.
In other news from Tuesday night:
• Superintendent Chuck Epps said the district will move forward with the plan to have elementary students return to full five day face-to-face instruction on Monday, Sept. 28. The middle and high schools will continue on the A/B schedule and will be evaluated for full return at a future date.

• The district named Nicole LaFave, English teacher at Catawba Ridge High School, as the 2020 District Teacher of the Year. Ms. LaFave is a graduate of Clemson University and the University of South Carolina. She has worked in the Fort Mill School District for six years. She currently serves as the chair of the CRHS English Department, a STEAM teacher leader, and a member of the CRHS Leadership Team and PLC. She was previously named the Kershaw County School District Teacher of the Year (12-13) and the Kershaw County Outstanding First Year Teacher of the Year Finalist (09-10).

• Jill Tooper, In-School Suspension Supervisor for Gold Hill Middle School, was named the 2020 Support Staff of the Year.
• Dr. Epps presented gave a report on the new free meal program for all students highlighted by a video created by the district to showcase the positive impact of the program.